How-to-guide: How to share and organize your data

How-to-guide: How to share and organize your data

Tool View

Purpose of tool

CODI is a Collaborative Discovery platform to share your data and analyses with colleagues and the public, opening up new possibilities for cross dataset insights. Using our tool Collaborations you will be able to organize, share and structure your super-resolution data inside CODI. 

You can create a Collaboration on the top right-hand corner of CODI and access your different Collaborations in the sidebar of the main page, on the left-hand side of the screen. 



  1. Collaborations, tags and datasets
  2. Sharing and Permissions
  3. Collaboration tour, tutorial

Collaborations, tags and datasets



One super-resolved image, one point-cloud dataset.

Tags and key-value tags

Single tags or key-value tags can be applied to every dataset uploaded onto CODI. Using tags, you will be able to organize your data within your personal or shared dataset or more specifically inside your Collaborations.

You can either tag your dataset with a single value or use key-value tags which enable you to do pair tagging and assign different values (numbers or words) linked by the same “key”. Example :

[ key : value ] = [Biomarker : CD9 ],  [Biomarker : CD81 ],  [Biomarker : CD63 ], etc.
[ key : value ] = [Experiment : control],  [Experiment : condition X] 

Inside your Collaboration, our batch tagging tool enables you to tag multiple dataset at once (see images bellow). Employ tags to research specific dataset within or to group datasets. Using our research tool, you can group by, filter in or out datasets easily using tags.



A group of datasets with role-based permissions applying to all datasets within the Collaboration. That is, a Collaboration may have owners, editors, viewers etc. Collaboration is useful to share dataset with other users.

You can add a dataset to a collaboration from the dataset info page, by clicking on the "Add to collaboration" button and selecting the desired collaboration.

Similarly, you can remove a dataset from a collaboration by clicking the "Remove from this collaboration button. Note: To move a datset from one collaboration to another, you can remove it from its current collaboration and add it to the desired collaboration.
Collaborations currently are the entity that define permissions and all the datasets stored inside Collaborations will be groupable into collections (that inherit all permissions).

Sharing and Permissions

Permissions are decided at the Collaboration and dataset level.

All datasets added to a Collaboration have at least the permissions associated with the Collaboration but the owners of the dataset or Collaboration may add further permissions. (i.e., you can share a dataset to someone who does not have Collaboration permissions).

It is not possible to revoke permissions for a single dataset if they are granted by the Collaboration without removing the dataset from the Collaboration.

On schemas below, you can find a resume of actions allowed or not depending on the ownership type at Datasets or Collaborations  level.


Tutorial mode            

Follow our step by step tutorial mode to guide you through our new Collaboration feature. To launch the Collaboration tour, go on the “help” menu and click on the “car” icon, the tutorial should start (see screenshots below).


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