Release Note: CODI System App

Release Note: CODI System App

AutoEV August 2024 Release with CSA 0.18.25

August 12, 2024
  1. System warnings about temperature and channel mapping now have a “do not show again” button. These warnings provide important information to ensure that autoEV acquires data reliably and accurately, and we recommend using the “do not show again” buttons only for expert users who are familiar with the nanoimager’s thermal and spectral stability over time. To reset these warnings, you must reset your browser cache or delete your browser’s local storage.
  2. When a new collaboration is created from AutoEV’s experiment setup screen, it will now be selected by default
  3. The experiment settings that are currently loaded are now displayed prominently
  4. Regenerating AutoEV Reports
    1. When using the Cross Dataset Report function from a collaboration’s batch download page, if the selected analysis app is EV Profiling, it will use the new AutoEV report style
    2. Customers can also generate a report with different analysis settings, or combining datasets from several autoEV uses.
  5. Bug Fixes
    1. Fixed an issue where the CODI browser would lose connection with the CODI system app, and the user would have to click “refresh” several times to re-connect.
    2. Fixed an issue where the CODI browser erroneously displayed the “exclamation mark” in the nanoimager info icon, indicating that the CODI system app was disconnected, even while it was actually connected
    3. Fixed an issue where the camera stream would not appear, or would take several seconds to appear. The camera stream should now appear consistently.
    4. Fixed an issue where System Calibration would fail during AutoTIRF optimization on certain systems where the TIRF angle optimization would attempt to increase past 60°.  This now respects the value in the instrument data file under the key:  hardware -> illumAngleStage -> upperLim

Initial AutoEV Release with CSA 0.18.4

AutoEV is a workflow built for EV researchers. From the moment you place a chip on the Nanoimager, all steps to ensure optimal imaging conditions and settings are staged in a simple-to-follow interface and done for you, even eliminating finding and setting focus and optimal TIRF angles for imaging. AutoEV automatically pushes the data through to analysis, generating data on sizing, clustering, and positivity, shown in real-time, resulting in a beautiful one-page EV-focused report automatically generated after the run is complete.

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